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4. Genotype X phenotype associations

As stated in WP3, we expect drought-related phenotypic traits to have been shaped by natural selection on arid sites both at the regional and interregional scale. In WP4 we study phenotypic traits under natural selection and associate them to genetic variation.


We assess various morphological and physiological parameters (phenotypic traits) of selected populations covering the whole study area. This will be achieved by setting up two common-garden trials, each at a rather moist and arid site, with various progenies (clearly labelled) from both regions. This will allow us to disentangle genetic from environmental effects on the phenotype and, to a certain degree, assess whether provenances are locally (regionally) adapted. Moreover, it allows us to determine morphological and physiological traits relevant to drought adaptation.


















Finally, the individuals of the two trials will be genotyped at a large number of candidate genes. By using a genome wide association study (GWAS) we will reveal the genes underlying these phenotypic traits and provide additional evidence on the signatures of adaptation.


Provenance: a term used in forestry for

a  group of individuals characterized by a specific geographic location and growth characteristics



  • To establish the common-garden trials and seedling management

  • To assess morphological, phenological and physiological parameters

  • To identify traits that differ among populations by using genecological methods

  • To genotype progenies at candidate genes

  • To reveal genes that underlie phenotypic traits by using GWAS



WP coordination: WSL (lead), METU/TAGEM (co-lead)

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